Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"My cousin is a porn star and my mom is 56!!"

What more could you hope to hear ring out at the top of a sloshed blonde's lungs at midnight on a Sunday? Nothing, I tell you, nothing at all.

Holiday weekends certainly bring out the 'we have Monday off' crazies. And it's not just the college students. It's the young professionals and the middle-aged success stories and the retirees -- everyone seems to get long-weekend fever. Which is good for business, sure. But I keep wondering, what's the big deal? Friday and Saturday were as slow as any other August weekend in DC, while Sunday was as frenzied as the last day of school - only, if you think about it, it should have been more like the first day of school, what with September starting and all.

I guess there's something forbidden about staying out late on a Sunday, a daring, rule-breaking feeling that gets under everyone's skin. And more power to them, I say. Dare to be different! Drink, drink on Sundays and everyday! Just, perhaps, try to keep certain personal details (your cousin's career choices, your mom's age - and why/how are they related, by the way?) to an inside voice.

Now that I think about it, I go out every Sunday. I think I like this maverick gig!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I hesitate to even imagine what that conversation was about! I love the header and the blurb- keep posting!qqfefvj